Is consistently producing great content proving a headache?

Anything but content?

Know what’s proven to impact customer decision-making more than any other marketing technique? Consistent, high-quality, and engaging website, blog, and social content.

Common mistakes SMEs make

So why do so many SMEs get it wrong? Our content creator, Gail, shares her humble opinion…

Aside from the fact that creating great content takes time and skill, one of the biggest mistakes many SMEs make is jumping in without a clear strategy. You know the score – ‘Fail to prepare and prepare to fail’. (Which is a bit rich coming from the woman who sent her child in school uniform on own clothes day because she didn’t read the school newsletter!)

Importance of strategy

But it’s true: failing to outline your goals and determine your target audience’s wants and needs means your efforts will end up scattered and inconsistent, leading to confusion and a lack of engagement.

Focus on value, not sales

And it’s not just what you do, it’s the way that you do it. While the goal of content marketing is, of course, to drive sales, overpromoting your products or services can be an instant turnoff.

Build trust and provide value

What should you focus on instead? Building trust and providing value to your audience through informative or entertaining content that keeps them coming back for more. After all, who doesn’t like to get something for nothing?

Establishing credibility with your target audience and creating excitement about what you’re producing means they’re more likely to read it, remember it, share it, and, when the time is right, buy from you.

Consistency is key

But hold your horses; inconsistent posting can damage your brand’s credibility, reduce engagement, and negatively impact your search engine rankings. While more content on your site containing key search terms can help you appear higher in search results, get it wrong and your content might never be read. To keep your audience engaged and improve your visibility online, it’s vital to be consistent – in tone and timing.

Overwhelmed? We can help!

With so much to consider, creating great website, blog, and social content can leave many SMEs feeling overwhelmed. Good job then we can help you produce anything from blogs to videos to thought leadership articles…even social media posts to promote your brand and all your wonderful new, shareworthy content!

Get in touch

Don’t suffer in silence. Find out more about our content offering here or drop us a line and let’s create amazing content together!